Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reuniting with Brother over Filipino food at Abè's.

Green mango slices dipped in bagoong (shrimp paste). Kare kare (pictured above - beef slowly cooked until tender in peanut butter). Lechon kawale. These are just some of the much-beloved and missed Filipino dishes I had for my first lunch in Manila.

You really don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore. That is so true when it comes to Filipino food; so many delicious dishes that I haven't had in ages - especially the green mango with bagoong.

On our way to Boracay from Hong Kong - on Friday - we had a 5-hour stopover in Manila. We met up for lunch with my cousin Ryan and my brother. Having not seen my brother since 2004, it was nice to catch up - especially given the recent events in our lives.

We ate at Abè - a fancy Filipino restaurant (think Spring Rolls style). By the way, that is how you pronounce my name the correct way Filipino way - with the accent. Ab. just Americanizes it. So if you want to refer to me in the way my family does, call me Abè next time.

  • Lechon kawale

  • Green mango with bagoong (shrimp paste)

  • Diced kang kong (left) and ox tongue pie dish (right)

    Anonymous said...

    wow! green mango w/bagoong. yum yum.

    AV said...

    The green mango shake is also to die for!