China has its pandas and Thailand has its elephants. The poster boy animal for the Philippines surely must be the adorable Tarsiers.
Tarsiers are one of the world's smallest primates and native to Southeast Asia, primarily the Philippines, Sulawesi, Borneo and Sumatra. And in the Philippines, Bohol is the known destination to view these adorable - but unfortunately, also endangered - creaures.
We visited a Tarsier Reserve as part of our full-day nature excursion on Tuesday, Nov. 23. The Reserve had 10 Tarsiers on site, but because of light overnight rainfall, they were hard to spot and the tour guide was only able to spot four of them for us.
The reason they are so hard to spot is because these adorable nocturnal creatures are literally the size of a human fist. The few that we saw were clutched tightly around a tree, their massive eyes staring at us.
One of them eventually scrunched its face and looked like a cross between Master Yoda and a gremlin. It was absolutely adorably priceless.
gah! that's a little creepy.
how cute!
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